About Aile Hastanesi

About Aile Hastanesi
Family Hospital is in its functional and modern building with its renewed infrastructure and service concept: It produces modern health solutions with its advanced technology, specialised physicians, experienced nurses and administrative staff.
Our hospital started to serve as of 1 July 2016.
* 104 bed capacity built on 6187 square metres
* Three for internal medicine ICU,
* 2 for surgical intensive care,
* 4 for coronary intensive care,
* 6 for KVC intensive care,
* 4 for neonatal intensive care,
* Total 19 for intensive care units
includes beds.
With 5 operating theatre rooms, our hospital provides diagnosis and treatment services with Angio, Radiology, Interventional Radiology, Endoscopy, Colonoscopy, EEG, EMG, Microbiology and Biochemistry Laboratory, Emergency Service and 25 outpatient clinic branches.
Our Mission
To provide a reliable and fast health service based on scientific and technological innovations that aim to keep patient and employee safety at the highest level by adopting continuous improvement and development with our friendly and qualified staff without compromising ethical values.

Our Vision
To be a universal brand with a patient-oriented professional team that supports continuous change and development with trainings in the light of managerial scientific and technological developments in the field of health.

Our Values
To be attentive, hardworking, friendly and respectful
Respecting Patient and Employee Rights
Ensuring Patient and Employee Satisfaction
Based on the Principles of Equity in Service
Providing Effective and Efficient Service
Ensuring continuity and accessibility in service
Providing Reputable, Honest and Reliable Service
Based on the Principles of Accountability and Transparency
Providing Evidence Based Service
Adopting Business Ethics and Corporate Culture
Working in Solidarity
Achieving Together with Teamwork